Student Stories

I signed up to project because I think the best way to learn is from each other. I’ve also been lucky enough to do other volunteering programs in the past. So I’ve seen first-hand just how beneficial it could be for everyone involves. Before the project started I wasn’t sure what to expect just because everything was being delivered through digital platform. But I had nothing to worry about! All the information was delivered to us session by session. So we were fully prepared by the time we got to deliver. I definitely recommended this program to whoever in UK thinking of doing it. It was very rewarding in that way. And I think everyone learns something from it! – UWE student | Daigo 3

This experience has helped a lot. Because I never attended any IT class. But it has helped me a lot to know what to do, how to speak with people outside of your country and communicate and learn. – Gambian student | Daigo 3

I heard about Daigo 3 through Mian, I was a bit worried of not being able to do it. But she told me that I would be worth included and I would get help that needed. We ended up working in pairs and I had a really good partner. She helped me a lot through out the sessions where we delivered and planned. – UWE student | Daigo 3

This Daigo project has helped me to have more skills, and I really wish to do it more in the future if I have the chance. It was really helpful, I feel thankful to them all. I never thought that I could have this kind of opportunity. I’m really grateful! – Gambian student | Daigo 3

It was great to work with a team with different skills and share public health messages using graphic design! – UWE student | Daigo 5

I engaged and learnt from people with different cultural experiences, helping me to develop appreciation of traditions and cultures. This project provided a safe and supported space to develop skills in a professional setting. Knowledge in developing and managing an ethical project. The ability to work adaptivally and change your method or outcomes alongside any challenges that arise. – UWE student | Daigo 5

I had the chance to learn a new application (GIMP) and shared it back with other students. It is a great experience for me as I want to become an educator in the future.
In this project, I worked with people from different cultures which not only helped me to improve my teamwork skills but also provided an opportunity to exchange knowledge and cultures.
An experience to get involved in setting up and launching a project. – UWE student | Daigo 5